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  2. Supported Browsers

Supported Browsers

imMail Messenger / Meet

Desktop Browsers

Chrome>=72Best results with >= 96
Firefox>=68Best results with >= 101
Safari>=14Best results with >= 15, output device selection unsupported
Edge>=79Edge Legacy is unsupported
Internet Explorer
For better results consider using imMail Desktop applications: imMail Messenger Desktop or imMail Meet Desktop. 

Mobile Browsers


ChromeBetter results with the latest version.
FirefoxBetter results with the latest version.
For a better mobile experience, we recommend using a native app for Android instead. imMail Messenger App and imMail Meet App.


Safari>= 14.3Best results with 15.4
For a better mobile experience, we recommend using a native app for iOs instead. imMail Messenger App and imMail Meet App.

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